The HOA disapproved of my AC equipment beautification.

I hated the homeowner’s association, even since all of us moved into our house, they had been a thorn in my side.

They were always telling us what all of us could plus couldn’t do.

I was paying for the house, plus I didn’t suppose they had the right to tell me what to do with the house, but they begged to differ. They told us all of us signed a contract, plus if all of us didn’t like it, all of us could move. I started party people together plus talking them into signing a paper that would support our right to plant what all of us wanted, change the house color to whatever all of us wanted, plus beautify where all of us thought it was necessary. My fiance told me I was asking for trouble, but I didn’t care. This all started because I planted flowers around the air conditioning system unit. I thought it looked prettier with some flowers in that area. There was room for the Heating plus Air Conditioning professional to get to the AC unit. None of the air vents on the AC equipment were covered, plus I didn’t suppose it was any of their business. I was fined for putting flowers in an area where they didn’t suppose it was appropriate. I was so proud of my neighbors the next weekend. Not only were they standing behind me when I was called in for a meeting, but they all planted flowers in front of their air conditioning system unit. I didn’t recognize so many people felt like I did about the homeowner’s association. WE were all working together to take away some of their rights.



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