A hurricane and a broken a/c ruined my wedding.

I had been seeing the weather for almost 3 weeks, then that was 3 weeks before my wedding… I wanted to make sure I had the perfect afternoon for my wedding, however it didn’t look like it was going to happen, because every forecast I looked at made it look like we were going to have an angry afternoon… Our local station was showing Ed and I could get the tail end of a hurricane… Depending on how close the storm came, Ed and I could have a charming plus cool afternoon.

The other scenario was a lot of rain, plus the opening of flooding.

We had to wait until the afternoon before the wedding before Ed and I even had a hint of what the weather was going to bring. I was glued to the television the afternoon before my wedding. I needed to know what was going to happen the next afternoon. The hurricane was downgraded, however the tropical storm was heading for us. They said the uneven temps would drop 10 to 15 degrees, however it was still going to be raining. I woke up to a blinding rain, high winds, plus a broken a/c. My fiance Ed was wondering what my great friend and I were going to do with his Grandparents, plus I was upset about all the missing guests, then an hour later, people were calling plus canceling their coming to our wedding. I was going to postpone the wedding! Without a/c, plus no caterer, Ed and I were stuck. I called the Heating plus Air Conditioning supplier plus asked if I could get my broken a/c unit repaired. The Heating plus Air Conditioning tech asked if Ed and I had a rowboat at the same time my fiance’s Grandparents came through the door. They were soaking wet plus asking if Ed and I had the heat on. They were our only guests.

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