The wrong space heater arrived

I finally did end up getting the portable space heater I ordered almost a month after the fact by the time all was said and done

Ordering anything over the internet can be a risk for many reasons. You could be getting scammed or even worse, the company you order something from sends the wrong product and you have to go through the major hassle of returning it via mail and it can be just very time consuming. Regardless of this risk I took the plunge and chance and decided to order a portable space heater from this one online outlet store. They had the portable space heaters on sale for a good and very decent price. So this is why I did this in the first place. And lo and behold my worst fears came true. When the portable space heater arrived they ended up sending me some way cheaper and crappy looking portable space heater from the one I actually ordered! I had to go through all the hassle, headaches and time consumption that I was describing above just to return the portable space heater that they sent by sheer error! And also to boot, I had to wait until they got the wrong portable space heater back before they would correct their mistake and send the portable space heater that i actually ordered! I was so pissed off that words can not describe. I finally did end up getting the portable space heater I ordered almost a month after the fact by the time all was said and done. And it works real nice too. But the fact of the matter is that I will never buy anything from this online outlet store again as long as I live!

air conditioner tune-up