I told the kids to stay away from the AC unit by the kitchen window, because I thought there were these inside of the unit. I heard some odd buzzing sound coming from the window AC unit, but I was waiting for my brother to visit on the weekend. I was going to get him to check it out so I didn’t end up getting stoned. I have a terrible allergy to bees. When I was a kid, the smallest Sting from a bee was life-threatening. The allergy is not as severe now that I am old. If I get stung, I swell up and have trouble breathing. I carry an EpiPen in my bag just in case I ever have a problem. I’m not sure if any of my kids are allergic to bees. I haven’t taken them to a specialist to be tested. Yesterday I found out that my oldest son Jack has the same horrible allergy as me. The kids were out back playing ball and one of them kicked the ball behind the AC unit. Jack went behind the machine to fetch the ball and while he was back there, he got stung by a bee. I heard Jack start screaming and then I heard my other kids starting to yell. I ran out of the kitchen and into the backyard. Jack was sitting on the ground next to the AC unit and he was grasping his throat. I immediately went back into the house to grab the EpiPen. I checked his arms and legs for a sting. As soon as I saw the sting from the bee, I injected the medicine.