I’m not so sure that I’m all that into residing where I am.
This is the first time I’ve ever lived in a gated community and I’m not sure it’s for me.
Had I not made a really wonderful investment, this wouldn’t be happening at all anyway. I was particularly quite happy in the small 3 study room home I had prior to hitting it rich. In fact, just before that investment exploded, I had updated our lake home with a ductless multi split heating and cooling system. This is using a series of ductless heat pumps for the heating and cooling of our home. They worked out superb as a matter of fact. It’s pretty cool because the condenser and compressor particularly hide up under the eaves of that house. If I had the ductless heat pumps in our new home, I wouldn’t be getting hassled so much by the HOA. The fact is that the HOA is threatening all manner of actions because our HVAC lodgeet is faded. That’s right, the HVAC lodgeet has paint that has been faded by the sun. So they want myself and others to replace it. That’s silly as this residential HVAC still has more than a decade of life to it. I found that out from the HVAC professionals when I had them inspect the HVAC equipment prior to buying the house. I’ve provided to have the HVAC equipment painted or even suggested that I could put in a shrub. Regardless, I’m just not sure that I want to live in a community where people treat each other this way.
heating industry