My air cooler and air conditioning system has been working so well lately and I’m genuinely proud of how far it’s come. When I became a first time homeowner, I had no plan how much work went into keeping everything now working respectfully! The air cooler and air conditioning system was 1 sizable aspect of homeownership that I had no comprehension about and I had to learn suddenly! During the first 6 weeks of house ownership, I was paying outrageous prices for my biweekly utility bill and I thought that it was normal, and one afternoon though, my Mom saw the utility bill laying on my counter and he assured me and others that I was overpaying. This is when every one of us both realized that my air cooler and air conditioning system needed drastic attention; my Mom helped myself and others replace the air filter that day and then he contacted a trusted air cooler and air conditioning supplier to come service my air cooler and air conditioning system, but I had no plan what this would entail, but my Mom was confident that my air cooler and air conditioning system needed professional attention. The air cooler and air conditioning professional came the following day and examined all the air coolers and air conditioning devices for over an hour… He moved about the home for over an hour, now working on my air cooler and air conditioning system. When he was finished, he said that my air cooler and air conditioning system was severely neglected by the previous owners and it needed a lot of attention. The air cooler and air conditioning professional said that he took extra time to clean, grease, and repair everything. I didn’t think that the air filter replacement and the air cooler and air conditioning professional would lower my utility bill extremely, however I was definitely wrong! The following week, my air felt cleaner and my utility bill was half the price!