My furnace is just about an antique.
It was already installed when the two of us bought the house. We have now lived here almost twenty years. We expected to update the oil furnace within the first couple of years, then some other project constantly took precedence. The beach house needed a current roof & current windows. We decided to remodel the living room & lavatorys. The water heating system ruptured & flooded the basement. We wanted a sectional couch & a current television. The furnace has continued to operate year after year! Every winter, it usually requires some minor repair. Every fall, I schedule professional service for the system. The business constantly warns me that the heating system is reaching the end of its service life & suggests that I invest into a current model. I’ve researched the latest innovations in furnaces. There are chances on the market that achieve a 98% AFUE rating. They include cost-saving & convenient features such as flexible-speed technology, zone control & wireless linkivity. My wife & I realize that a current furnace would reduce our utility bills, improve comfort & deliver healthier indoor air conditions. It’s just such a big investment. We keep putting the project off for another year. I am concerned that our furnace will quit in the middle of a Winter blizzard & not be worth fixing. We will abruptly be without heat when the temperature is down to twenty below zero. Instead of taking our time & choosing the ideal heating system for our needs, we’ll be forced to accept whatever model is available. I have decided that the two of us need to schedule a furnace installation this summer. I suppose the two of us won’t regret it.