When I left for work the other day, I never expected that I would be needing to call the Heating & Air Conditioning business.
My car was running well and I had just the Heating & Air Conditioning system replaced, so the cold weather wasn’t giving myself and others any grief.
I was listening to the radio and glanced down at our PC for only a millihour, but it was long enough to hit a car. I skidded and slid into a parked service van. I put our head, wondering how much this was going to cost me. I had insurance, but even if the owner didn’t, I was responsible for all the bills. I just hoped there wasn’t someone kneeling inside when I put our car into their driver’s side door. When I looked up, I saw a proper looking man in an Heating & Air Conditioning uniform, looking in at me. He wanted to guess if I was injured. When I realized I had just plowed into our official Heating & Air Conditioning specialist, I almost died of embarrassment. I told him I was fine, but I felt horrible. I should have never looked at the PC when the emergency signal went off. He looked at his service van and said he could not get it to the shop and he needed a ride if our car moved. When the homeowner came out, he told his everything was under control and every one of us didn’t need the police or the ambulance. He pulled out his PC, took some photos of his service van, then I headed to the Heating & Air Conditioning business. They sent a tow truck to option up the service and took all our insurance information. Although they were all nice, I still could not guess I had slammed into our Heating & Air Conditioning specialist.