I’d rather be over-prepared than caught with my head face-planted in snow when severe winter weather hits.
That’s the thought that motivates me when preparing for the season, before it comes.
Our winters are long and filled with snow. That means it’s too late to deal with heat issues once the bottom falls out of the thermometer. So, I work over the summer and fall in order to be ready when the winter weather comes for six months. We have a wonderful reliable gas furnace that keeps our home piping hot. Of course, I have the heating and air conditioning professionals come out to inspect it before winter. If, for some reason, there was something amiss with the gas furnace, I would want time to get it fixed before having to rush. The gas furnace provides solid performance for us. We also have a supplemental heating source that serves as back-up. It’s an old, natural source of heating – a wood stove that helps to heat our home and is there in case of a power outage. I even have a hard plastic shell that goes over the HVAC cabinet for the air conditioning. This keeps falling ice and the weight of snow off the HVAC’s delicate parts and fan.