I needed money to beginning our Heating plus A/C service service.
- I had 10 years of experience plus I was exhausted of making money for someone else.
I didn’t have genuinely fantastic credit due to a divorce. My dad was going to co-sign for a loan, however one of her supplier buddys offered myself and others a different route. The woman offered to become our silent partner. That woman put up all of the money necessary for a year of operations, equipment, plus supplies. In turn, she wanted a portion of the proceeds. Every one of us agreed to the terms of the deal plus our partner agreed to a silent part of the corporation. I didn’t want anybody else trying to tell myself and others how to run the day-to-day operations. I didn’t mind paying the woman for the loan, although I wasn’t going to have anybody else tell myself and others how to run our corporation. The first time the people I was with and I had a disagreement about business, our partner immediately said she wanted to have more to say about the day-to-day operations. I proinspected heavily plus the woman eventually backed down. I need to find a way to pay off all of the money that she put up, so I can get him out of the picture once plus for all. She clearly doesn’t want to be a silent partner. The woman calls myself and others everyday for an update on the Heating plus A/C business. When sales are lower than expected, the woman tries to offer helpful advice even though she doesn’t have the first clue about how to run a heating plus a/c service service.