I put a lockbox over our control component to get the kids to leave it alone

Hopefully it will program them into avoiding the urge to adjust the temperature if they go so several weeks or years without having the chance

I originally thought that the hardest part about being a parent would be over once all of my children were no longer toddlers. But as they slowly transitioned into youngsters—one by 1—I abruptly realized that my hardest afternoons as a father lie ahead. You tell your daughter or child to not do something, only for them to spite you the hour they get a chance. I had to learn ways of navigating their reactions and what they were anticipating from me, and in a sense use “reverse psychology” to get them to conform to my rules. More often than not I assume care about I’m talking to a brick wall. I tell them particularly that they are not allowed to adjust the control component for the central heating and cooling system. My wife and I are the 1s who control the indoor climate at home; otherwise the cooling system would be left on at 66 degrees and we’d come home to a fried Heating and Air Conditioning system. In the Wintertide our kids would have the heat up so high that our propane bill would be outrageous! All of us gave up on scolding them and finally obtained a plastic lockbox to put over the control component for the central Heating and Air Conditioning system. Somedays I wonder where I went wrong as a parent to need a lockbox over the Heating and Air Conditioning control unit, but the pragmatic side of my brain doesn’t care what it takes to maintain our energy budget. Hopefully it will program them into avoiding the urge to adjust the temperature if they go so several weeks or years without having the chance. Perhaps at some point the people I was with and I won’t need a lockbox on the Heating and Air Conditioning control unit.


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