That day I fell asleep in the living room and didn’t even bother going to bed, the gas fireplace soothing me into a dreamless slumber
When I moved into my current house, I did my best to take good care of the boiler installation. I made sure always to do it to prolong the lifespan of the whole home heating system. For the past four years, I had not missed any furnace/heater tune-up, and when I started noticing that my house was a little stuffy, I was alarmed. I always cleaned the washable filter every two months, so something else had to be the issue. I called a friend who works in a heating corp as an HVAC repairman and told him about my concerns which did not have to do with the actual gas furnace. After our talk, it was evident that my focus should have gone to the ductwork. I immediately called home services and asked to have a duct cleaning. The day the heating provider came, I requested to see the dirt out of the HVAC duct. I was shocked to see the amount of muck that was there. The weird part was that there was a lot of hair, and I could tell from the dirt that it was from way before I moved into that house. I could have expected hair from a drainage system but not in the vents. I did not bother asking for energy-saving help tips because the ones I had were working, and I would continue with things as they were. That day I fell asleep in the living room and didn’t even bother going to bed, the gas fireplace soothing me into a dreamless slumber. My niece was surprised to find me fast asleep in the living room.
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