The air quality in our lake beach house bookstore

I have been laboring on converting our two automobile garage into a bookstore.

I always wanted our own studying room, from when I was a kid.

I would ride our bike to the bookstore every weekend, just to hang out in the cool as well as the quiet, studying books as well as getting lost in the worlds they created. I wanted to recreate that magic in our home, so I took down the garage doors as well as put in a current wall. I added current floors, as well as redid the ceiling. After adding all the shelves as well as the books it looked like a studying room, but it didn’t know like a single. I needed better air quality, as well as a superior cooling system, if I legitimately wanted to capture the know of a public bookstore. I did some research, as well as l earned that the reason libraries are kept so cold as well as dry is that the temperature control is used for the benefit of the books, not the people studying them. Books have certain temperature control conditions they need to stay in optimum condition for the longest amount of time. Humidity as well as books do not get along, so the air is run through dehumidifiers as well as made so dry to keep the books from accumulating moisture. The legitimately cold temps you find in most libraries are also done for the lowering of humidity levels, because without the moisture in the air there is a little more wiggle room in terms of temperature. I decided that based on the size of our bookstore I will need two dehumidifiers as well as a portable air conditioning unit.


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