I was undoubtedly pressed for cash when our cooling unit was having problems this past summer, and I particularly skipped out on our correct cooling system tune-up which I realized was a mistake! The heating as well as air conditioning system was making all sorts of crazy noises, love high pitched squealing sounds.
I particularly called an actual heating as well as air conditioning company. And when they said I would have to wait about 5 days to have a professional out to our venue, I told them nevermind. I ended up calling a friend of mine who helped myself and others out with another seasoned window A/C unit before. I didn’t know how much he knew about heating as well as air conditioning technology as well as repairs, despite the fact that I figured he might be able to help… He said there was only so much he could do, but he checked for refrigerant leaks as well as found none, and when he checked the air filter, he said it was completely dirty as well as clogged up. I couldn’t think of it, I totally forgot about increasing the air filter because I was so short on money. I mean, I did briefly consider if I should go to the store to get some air filters, despite the fact that I just didn’t have enough cash as well as after that I forgot all about it, and unfortunately, I have done stupid things love this since I was a youngster, then even when I was younger, I ruined our car because I forgot to go get an oil change as well as I just kept driving until our engine was destroyed. These are not ecstatic experiences, I’ll tell you that. Well, our friend helped myself and others to get a new air filter as well as he cleaned the inner workings of the A/C condenser unit as well as the heating as well as air conditioning unit. The cooling system was particularly working nice after that without any crazy noises.