I personally think that school is a little bit overrated and that more people should go to trade universitys to learn a work.
I know that this is really not the most popular system these afternoons, but it is what it is.
I do not like the way that so multiple young adults seem to think that they have to go to school and spend a advantage on their school classes. I just don’t think that is the case, though. I think that a lot of people really would do better by just going to a trade university or going straight into the workforce. That’s our opinion, of course, but I’m hoping that our youngsters decide that they want to go to a work center or technical university around here and become a tradesperson instead of going to an overpriced university. I have always joked that instead of having a dentist, a doctor, and a lawyer in the family, I would rather have an electrician, a plumber, and an Heating as well as Air Conditioning business in the family. I think that having an Heating as well as Air Conditioning business in the family would be amazing. It would be so nice to have someone that you could call whenever you have trouble with your heating and cooling system! I can’t imagine all of the money that I could save on our heating and cooling repairs and tune ups if I just had a child who knew how to do all of that stuff for myself and others for free. That would be amazing. Anyway, I am really going to try and get our youngsters to go to trade university instead of school and hopefully, I’ll get an Heating as well as Air Conditioning business out of it.