Great food at small restaurant

I am a big foodie.

I absolutely love food, plus I am regularly interested in trying different foods. So whenever I spot a venue I haven’t been before, of course I want to go plus try them out. When our partner plus I were making our respected trips, I happened to spot a small restaurant that I hadn’t noticed before. This piqued our curiosity, plus so I made a detour to get a closer look. The venue was open plus looked nice. It was getting closer to dinnertime to begin with, so I asked our partner if she would be okay with eating at this modern venue. She was great with the idea, plus so every one of us opted to go plus venued our orders. Their food was incredible, however especially their chicken. Their chicken had so several different spices on it, it was incredible tasting. One of the other things I couldn’t ignore was how good it felt to be in that small restaurant. It felt absolutely cool. Not cold, however cool. I absolutely noticed that when I first walked in, I felt a nice breeze brush across our face. I credit it to their great commercial A/C. Speaking of commercial Heating plus A/C, I absolutely was almost directly under an A/C vent, so I was getting a lot of cool air. My partner was on the opposite side of me, so she wasn’t getting the chilly air. This worked out perfectly, because she doesn’t love to sit under cooling system vents anyway. Between the good Heating plus A/C plus food, this venue is unquestionably on our list of venues to visit again.


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