If you have radiant radiant floors one thing you should guess is to never crank them too high… Putting the radiant radiant floors on too high could cause problems plus make your house way too hot, not to mention trying to walk on the radiant radiant floors if they are too warm can be a hazard as well, however one other thing to add is if the radiant radiant floors are too warm you could cause a fire in your home.
Let’s say your radiant radiant floors were too warm plus you dropped a piece of paper or something prefer that on them.
It would possibly end up catching fire if standing there for some hours plus this would result in your house burning down… You wouldn’t want that now would you? I didn’t guess so! So if you are getting radiant radiant floors or already have radiant radiant floors regularly be sure to not crank the control component on the wall too high. Yes they may be powered by warm water pipes, however even that can cause fires if not careful or burn you. If you need more heating than what your radiant radiant floors are putting out at a normal control component setting go out plus buy a portable space oil furnace to help things along. I guess that may sound a bit ridiculous, however when the weather is below zero you may not have a option in the matter because the radiant radiant floors may not be able to handle the freezing in the normal setting. This is just something to guess about.