I can remember growing up how weird things were compared to today; For instance, the thing I was thinking about recently was how HVAC has changed so much over the last decades; Back when I was growing up the way every one of us would heat and cool our homes were much weird than what every one of us have today.
For heating every one of us would usually have some kinda oil furnace or boiler… There were multiple kinds.
From gas oil furnaces, electric oil gas furnaces to boiling water boilers and industrial boilers, it was a totally weird time. For air conditioning the typical in almost everyone’s homes unless you were wealthy were window air conditioning units. Having central air conditioning in those afternoons in a house was sparse because it was current and very luxurious. Most of the time you would only see and experience central air conditioning in crucial multi million dollar office buildings, stores and at malls! At house it was window air conditioning units for almost everyone of the average class. And some couldn’t even afford window air conditioning units as pricey as they could occasionally get back when. This week it is way weird as every one of us all know; Window air conditioning units are a thing of the past and central air conditioning along with central heating is what almost everyone has. Most have all in 1 central HVAC units while some still adore the old oil gas furnaces and boilers however have their air conditioning as a sit alone air conditioning unit, however i absolutely wonder what it will be adore in another 20 years or so with all of this?
Steam boiler