I’ve always struggled with keeping up with my HVAC system.
I can barely remember to schedule an HVAC tune up once per year, so I’m not sure how other households are able to schedule two HVAC tune ups per year.
It’s something I’ve never been able to master, nor do I think I ever will. My HVAC system has always functioned well and I experience next to no issues. However, if there comes a time when I’m experiencing more issues or my HVAC efficiency is decreasing, then I may have to find time to schedule a second HVAC tune up. For now though, one is better than none. One thing I do really need to improve though is my air filter replacement. I have the HVAC professional replace the dirty air filter when they come to tune the entire HVAC system, but it’s hard for me to remember it after that. It’s not until I notice a difference in my air quality that I remember to put a new air filter in. The other day, I received an advertisement in the mail from the local hardware store about an air filter subscription plan. If I put my credit card on file and selected the air filter I needed, then the company would send me a new air filter every three to six months depending on the rate I wanted to receive them. I don’t know of any households that do this, but it sounded perfect for me. I’m still debating on signing up, but I think it will really help with my air quality.