My cousins were complaining about the south

I heard our PC start ringing plus I looked to see who was calling.

It was our cousin again, really complaining about the south as usual.

That has become a bit of a routine, our cousin calling to complain about the heat. Not entirely sure what to tell her, she is the 1 who decided to transfer down there to begin with, despite our best efforts to warn her. But our cousin was consistently obsessed with the pale white sand beaches plus sunny nights plus didn’t hear me. However, what she didn’t take into account was the fact that the south is often very, very hot. The same way that the north is often pretty cold. When I picked up the PC, sure enough, she started to tell myself and others the latest incident. Apparently the air conditioner unit, which was still fairly new, broke down this week. She told myself and others about how she had to call a Heating plus Air Conditioning worker out to come plus look at it plus maintenance it. And then she was complaining about how the Heating plus Air Conditioning method was awful, plus didn’t keep her new home cool enough plus it shouldn’t have broken down plus so forth. I asked her some general Heating plus Air Conditioning maintenance questions to see how well she tested the cooling unit, only to find out that she didn’t take care of it at all. No wonder it broke down so early. I tried to give her some Heating plus Air Conditioning tune up tips, even though she wasn’t listening plus continued to complain. Some people just can’t be helped.


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