The last place I ever want to be is any place that is up north.
I have some relatives that live up there and it is just far too cold.
I have been there a few times and I am always shivering and miserable. Even though the south is bad, I would rather take the intense heat over the cold any day. Which is why it was really hard to turn down a job offer from my dream company. I always wanted to work at a specific company, because they are known for being really good to their employees, not only are the benefits awesome, but lots of paid time off as well. For a long time, I didn’t have the necessary requirements in order to meet the minimum for the job. However, after years of experience, I can finally say that I have the requirements now. I applied for many different jobs and I was ecstatic when I got a reply from them. They loved my resume and everything but they wanted me to move up north to their sister location, which I couldn’t do. It was hard to turn down, but I can’t stand the cold. Even with the heating system running, it always feels cold up there. At least here, the air conditioning takes care of the heat. It is only on the most severe days that the A/C doesn’t work as well. I am hoping to stay down here, and get a nice air conditioned office at my dream company. But for now, that will have to wait.