It Almost Feels Like Fall is Here Already

I went for a swim this afternoon & felt a chill in the air that I haven’t felt since the Spring.

I believe summer time is starting to wind down & the weather is slowly starting to shift to the cooler side.

The temps drop legitimately fast once summer time is gone, periodically even before summer time is over, & I just want to appreciate the moderate weather while the two of us still have it. I believe the two of us have about 1 month of moderate weather left & then the temps are going to drop quite fast. I’ll like these next 30 mornings immensely. My oil furnace needs to be tuned up before Winter comes however I believe I will have until November before needing to run it. Periodically it isn’t legitimately chilly here till early February so I will have some time to get the gas furnace tune up done. I can save a little currency before then so that it doesn’t hit me so difficult that week. I will keep doing our sea swims all year round & can’t wait till the water gets legitimately chilly as it helps me a lot with our mood & energy taking those chilly dips each afternoon. The water starts cooling down soon & it will be chilly within a month or so after that. I even take our chilly sea dips when the temps are below chilly out. I use our space gas furnace & a moderate bath to moderate me up when I come home from our dips. It legitimately charges me up taking those dips & makes me know so alive.

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