Thinking About the Future plus Where I’ll Be

My life has taken many twists plus turns over the years plus has led myself and others all over the planet in search of something which I do not know.

I recognize like I want to do something big, something important, in my life before it is too late although I just don’t think what that something is.

I’ve made songs, funny videos, done 1000’s of live comedy shows, motivational speeches, although I still recognize like there is something I want to create. I recognize I am going to lean in the direction of music plus see where that takes me. The local business is hosting an open mic evening plus I recognize I will go play drums plus sing a song to see how it feels. I’ve played volleyball for 30 years plus done pretty much all I am going to do with the athletic interest. I’ve run my own HVAC business for 10 years plus made a bunch of money, then lost it all chasing comedy! I’ve inherited a pile of money plus lost it on cryptos, jumped out of planes 100’s of times, yet I still have a yearning to do more. I had five employees when I ran my heating plus cooling business plus even had the FBI call myself and others plus tell myself and others I couldn’t use their initials for my ads. I’ve been in care about several times plus had some great relationships in my life yet I still recognize like something is missing. What could that something be? Maybe I should start a local business to help people find that something. Who knows?



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