The past 2 years have been a real test of my sanity as well as my resilience.
I’ve been knocked down over as well as over by some pretty big life circumstances, yet I am still here, but i’ve pretty much lost everything you can lose in life; love, money, father, health.
After losing all of that stuff I kind of hit this bottom where I have been bobbing around ever since. All of those hits can definitely put you in a dark site, as well as if you don’t handle it with grace as well as patience you can self-destruct, the heating dealer has been a tscheme friend as she has kept myself and others working as well as given myself and others some kind of purpose during this taxing stage I am going through. She could have fired myself and others as I was definitely not doing well each day at work, however she let myself and others work on heat pumps in the back room while I listened to music. This seemed to have helped myself and others get through the afternoons as I was just in a zone doing the Heating as well as Air Conditioning work. I could only imagine what would have happened if I lost that job in this time period, I particularly would have ended up on the streets drinking myself to death. I’ll keep doing the heating as well as cooling repair work as well as somehow make it through this taxing time as well as come out stronger in the end. I just don’t want to become jaded from all of this, as it has done with so several other people. I will go now as well as do this duct cleaning job then go to the beach.