My girlfriends invited themselves to stay with me over Christmas.

I loved my friends, but there are times when I want to be loft plus not run around, however christmas is a single of those times, plus last year, they invited themselves to stay with me over Christmas. I resented their thinking it was okay to invade my loft when I was with my parents for the holidays. They thought it was so cool to be there, plus be in a family situation, which I couldn’t understand. I thought all families shared the holidays together. The only time I remember not having the entire family together for the holidays was when my sibling was in Iraq. There were times when my dad would be out working on someone’s Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C idea so they had a oil furnace for Christmas. There was a single time when he helped my uncle put in a fireplace so he had a chimney for Santa to come down, but that was all family. When my sibling came home, it was a perfect Christmas. My friends plus I were talking about our most memorable Christmases when mom walked in. She reminded me of when dad had to go out to work on a fireplace. The dad got stuck in the chimney, plus he had to help get him out. My a single friend started to cry plus said all of us had such amazing stories. She hadn’t seen her mom or dad in over more than 2 years. They all had similar stories, plus I suddenly felt terrible for not wanting them around. Although my dad being an Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C worker took him away often, all of us still always had a family Christmas in spite of his task.


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