Feeling Pretty Tired and am Going to Take a Short Nap Soon

It has been well below freezing each night and my room gets a bit too cold to sleep well.

It is a bit gloomy out today and this type of weather makes me feel like slumbering during the day. I will write this article and then take a little break for a while and take a good little nap. I didn’t sleep the best last night because my climate control system, namely the heating side of it, is not working and I was a bit too cold last night for sleep. I like to sleep in a cold room, but last night was so cold that my nose ached from being too cold and I think it kept me awake most of the night. I bet I will sleep great tonight though as I bought a small electric space heater for my bedroom for tonight when I sleep. I will run it on low just to take a little bit of the chill out of the air. It has been well below freezing each night and my room gets a bit too cold to sleep well. I don’t like to use the heating too much in the winter because it can cost a lot with the high price of energy these days. Maybe a good old fashioned fireplace would be a cheaper way of heating up my flat, but wood is very scarce in this area and it could cost a lot of money. I think a good solution is to wear more clothes in the flat and try to keep the curtains open so the sun heats up the floors in the living room. I still love winter no matter what.



Wireless thermostat