A baby is coming within the month

One hour she wanted the a/c on, then the next to turn the a/c off and open the window

I’m so excited! My wife and I have wanted a baby girl and it’s finally happening. Within the month I will be able to see her precious face and hold her. The last 8 months have been grueling at best. We have seen the doctor at least once a month and in the last couple 2 a month. They are constantly checking up to make sure our baby is going to be healthy. Trying to name her was a back and forth trial with my wife. Both of our parents tried to chime in but all of us shut that down hastily. They wanted to supply her a name from the 30’s. I’m not saying they are all awful but the names they were giving us were not really what all of us would’ve liked. After my long battle with my wife and several foot rubs later all of us finally chose a name, Fall Rose Murphy. I feel this is 1 of the most beautiful names all of us could’ve given her. The final battle was the middle name though; Some would say why love the middle name. I don’t know, she wanted it to be Rain and all I can guess about is the club I’ll never tell her about. My wife went through freezing and sizzling flashes. One hour she wanted the a/c on, then the next to turn the a/c off and open the window. It didn’t stop there though, then she wanted the furnace on in 90 degree weather! It was exhausting for me but if this made her feel comfortable then I’m all for it. A Heating and Air Conditioning professional came out as well. Whatever for this woman, I don’t care, I am just gleeful to witness a new life named Fall Rose Murphy!



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