It’s easy to conflate things when you’re not in possession of a full understanding of a particular topic.
I’m not a sports person, so you wouldn’t want my advice on one team’s likelihood of defeating their rivals versus a different team.
I don’t watch the games, I don’t follow the teams, and I couldn’t tell you if one player was a star athlete or a fourth-stringer who just surfaced from the minor leagues. But if you asked me about the history or rock music, I could talk your ear off about one musician after the next. I spent hours on wikipedia when I was much younger researching endless information about musicians and bands that I loved, but nowadays I do it with movies instead. The point is that I wouldn’t be a good expert for anything else, especially HVAC systems. I fell for the misleading advertising of those air coolers that are sold in department stores for under $50. They promise immediate air conditioning in small spaces, but they’re nothing more than an evaporative cooler. I learned that evaporative coolers can only work in low humidity environments. Instead of drying air and cooling it like an air conditioner, evaporative coolers create an energy drop by evaporating water into air vapor. If you have a low humidity environment, it encourages the cooling and evaporation process. With too much humidity, you’re basically just running a humidifier with minimal temperature change. That’s why those little air coolers are not much more than water misters. These devices are much more expensive than they should be.