How much is a water heater?

This is the first time I have ever owned our own home. I have been a renter for the last 15 years or so, and that isn’t counting the years I spent living with our parents. There was an initial feeling of power and hope when I first closed on this house. It was a nice place, and it was all mine! That initial feeling was suddenly replaced by the overwhelming horror of how little I knew about being a homeowner. In the past I would just call a building owner whenever there was an issue with the power, the water heater, or the cooling system… however now I was the building owner! I found a website that had a how-to tutorial about basic water heating system repair, so that’s where I started. There was no way I could ever learn something as complicated as Heating and A/C repair, because I am not that smart. A water heating system was a much simpler piece of equipment, so that was something I felt I was capable of reading, but luckily this house came with a newer model tankless water heater, which I have l acquired is the best you can find. A tankless water heating system is smaller, more efficient, and lasts for years longer than a traditional water heater. If I take nice care of it, this water heating system could serve myself and others for another 25 to 30 years. That means it is worth reading inside and out. If I can repair our own water heating system I will never need to pay an Heating and A/C tech to come do it for me.


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