A nice holiday condo

The two of us are going to be buying a holiday condo with a fireplace in the study room soon. This is something that I have been dreaming of doing for years now. The two of us have never been in the position financially to buy a holiday condo until just recently, so this is a dream come tploy for myself and others as well as my hubby. The two of us have been shopping around for a while now as well as both of us have a truly good real estate agent. She has been showing us all kinds of places that she thinks that both of us would like, however the main thing that is important to myself and others is the fact that I want a place with a fireplace. I finally told her that if the homes do not have fireplaces, after that I don’t even need to look at them. I truly don’t care if it has a gas log fireplace or a wood burning fireplace, as long as there’s a fireplace of some kind. I don’t truly assume that my hubby cares a single way or the other, however having a fireplace is easily important to me. My hubby says that the most important thing is the heating as well as cooling system. He is more concerned about the efficiency of the heating system, since we are going to be buying in an section that is known for its cold climate. I know that makes sense, however I truly don’t care so much about the heating system. I am planning to be sitting in front of our crackling, cozy fireplace so I can stay warm. I will just leave the temperature control settings up to him, I guess!

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