I was standing in the kitchen last summer, when a freak storm came out of nowhere.
It was from bright sunshine, to cloudy and raining.
The lightning was lighting up the sky and making the dark light up. I was just walking away from the sink when I saw a flash of lightning and heard the sound of metal and then I saw smoke. Lightning had struck our air conditioning unit. The AC unit quit working, and there was nothing more I could do. I called the HVAC company, but they weren’t going to come out until the storm passed. They said the storm should be over in an hour, and they would send someone out right after. Two hours later, the HVAC technician was standing in our backyard, with water above his ankles. The air conditioning unit had a huge hole in the front, where the lightning had struck. He said there was nothing he could do for the AC unit, and it was ‘dead in the water’. He laughed at his own joke, but I didn’t think he was funny. It was the middle of summer, and we couldn’t go without air conditioning. He said we would need to wait a few days, because they had to order a new air conditioning unit and install it. They couldn’t install an air conditioning unit until the water soaked into the ground, and with the storms going through, he was afraid that could take a week or more. I groaned thinking about going for a week or more without air conditioning, but I understood why they couldn’t do the installation while standing in a puddle of water.