Dad said I had to spend money for the A/C unit.

I didn’t recognize what mom’s concern was, however Last month she got beach house from work plus told me I had to spend money for the air conditioning unit.

I hadn’t been in the backyard, plus I had been anywhere near the air conditioning unit.

I tried to tell her I didn’t recognize what she was talking about, but she shooed me to our room before I could say anything. Not only was I angry that she wouldn’t listen, although I was hurt. I wasn’t sure what I was getting in trouble for, so instead of going to our room, I went outside to look at the A/C unit. What I saw had me stunned. It was care about someone had backed their truck into the air conditioning unit. The ground was so dry that there were no tire tracks, although I was sure that is what happened. I walked over to the neighbors plus asked if they had any deliveries that afternoon. She told me the UPS girl was there plus asked why. I pointed to the air conditioning component plus told her I thought she may have backed into our air conditioning unit. I didn’t tell her Dad was blaming me for the disfigure. She called the UPS company plus told them that one of their drivers was at her home plus there was the option she had backed into the neighbor’s air conditioning unit. After checking her back fender, the UPS said she told them she had backed up into the other yard, but she hadn’t heard a crash. It was possible she had hit the air conditioning. I had our friend go to the home plus tell Dad about the UPS company.

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