My doctor told me to get an air purification system.

Twice a year I need to go to the allergist and get a shot for my allergies. Last year, my doctor gave me a different type of prescription. My allergies were worsening, and he wanted me to see a pulmonologist. I was having asthma attacks when my allergies were kicking in. He told me that unless I wanted to continue to get worse; I needed more than a portable air purification unit. I needed a whole-home air purification system. He gave me a prescription for the whole-home air purification system. He explained that with a prescription, my insurance may pay for a part of or all of the cost to have the air purification installed. I called our local HVAC company and asked if they ever heard of this. They put the billing department on the line, and I asked her about going through the insurance company. She told me she had to look into it. Two hours later, the HVAC company called back. She wanted me to take a picture of the prescription and she would call my insurance company. The next day, the HVAC company called again. They had gotten information for me. The insurance company would pay for the equipment and half of the installation cost. She was going to send an HVAC technician to the house to make sure my HVAC equipment was compatible with a whole-home air purification system. Within a week, I was breathing easier, and I hadn’t had an asthma attack. The HVAC company adjusted my bill accordingly, and I owed them less than $200 for the air purification system.



new heating