The AC unit was only $150

Sometimes my wife and I like to spend our weekends going to sales, swap meets, and absolutely flea markets.

There is a flea market about 45 minutes away from our house and it is huge.

It takes up an area that is easily the size of a football field. When my wife and I went to the flea market last weekend, we weren’t really looking for anything special. We planned to buy some boiled peanuts and some candy and maybe some beef jerky if we could find something good. While we were walking around, we saw a lot of great deals on items that looked interesting. Some of those items would have looked really nice in our house, but my wife and I try not to buy anything that we cannot absolutely use. One item that we found at the flea market that we can use is a used AC unit. The used AC unit was at a stand where there was a guy selling a bunch of different electronics. He had different types of video game systems, DVD players, and stereos. The used AC unit was sitting on a table near the back of the booth. I asked the guy how much he wanted for the used AC unit and he told me it was $150. I asked the guy if it was in good working order and he offered to plug it in and turn it on. Since the AC unit was only 150 bucks, I told my wife that we were going to take it home if it was in good working condition.

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