Air Conditioning in the garage is so important

I spent the entire winter season out in my garage.

After finally dealing with that area, I’ve found that I care a lot about tinkering around out there.

The Springtime is in full bloom down here plus I’m already hearing the heat pumps and AC units kick on in the town. Air conditioning is already on the menu, however in the past, I wouldn’t be able to truly appreciate the garage once the heat gets going. Like most garages, it gets so boiling hot out there. There wasn’t any HVAC duct extended to the garage. So the 2-car garage was not ever part of the central air conditioner of our home. But that doesn’t mean that I’m not appreciative of air conditioners each plus every day once it gets this hot. Last year’s Springtime cleaning was taken to another level. My wifey Kim and I consistently give the house a deep cleaning early in the Springtime each year. Kim and I finish that off with having the Heating plus Air Conditioning professionals come out to do the HVAC duct cleaning plus to reseal them. That’s consistently the capper to our deep cleaning, and well last year, I decided to bring some order plus some cleanliness to the garage after years of neglect. I happened to be knee deep in the process when the Heating plus Air Conditioning professionals came to do the HVAC duct and vent cleaning. That’s when they proposed that I have a ductless mini split AC installed so I could use my new garage space all Summer. What an amazing suggestion that was!. I had a ductless heat pump installed just two weeks later plus have never looked back. Now if anybody needs to find dad, he’s in the garage enjoying the quality heating plus air from the ductless mini split AC.


air conditioning workman