I’ve been a cabin owner for several years, and it’s been quite the experience. There were moments when I was wondering why I was living in the woods so far away from people. Then, I’d step outside and only hear birds and other animals. The sounds are amazing, and also the air is awesome. That reminded me why I chose to leave the city and live in a cabin in the woods. Well, before you picture some small structure in the middle of nowhere, know it’s not quite like that. I sold my apartment in the city and bought almost 180 acres of woodland in a different state up north. I’m not too far from the town, but my land is covered with woodland so it feels quite isolated. The cabin is to one side of the land, and I have a small driveway leading to the mainroad. I prefer to leave the land covered with trees, and not to try farming or other enterprises that would mean cutting down the trees. Instead, I built four other small cabins around the property and rented them to folks who want to stay and enjoy the beauty of the area. Last winter was quite eventful, and I got to know the importance of being prepared. When I was installing heating systems in the cabins to ensure my guests were comfortable, the HVAC professional advised me to also invest in some space heaters. At times there’s an issue with the heating system and it takes time for them to get there to fix it. So, the guests can use the space heaters, and this turned out to be quite true.