We will be entering the dog mornings of summer time soon & everything is going to get kind of crazy here.
In a week it will be May & that is when a lot of seasonal tourists come to neighborhood for the summer time & they won’t leave till the start of September. So it will be jumping for four months or so before everything winds down again for the winter, which is truly freezing & dark & the streets are pretty much barren till the next Spring rolls around. I like the winters but they can get a bit lonely & heating is a must every afternoon as my pal and I run our Heating, Ventilation, & A/C system almost all of the time. The power bills can get kind of high so my pal and I try to wear more clothes in the flat so my pal and I can save a bit of currency over the truly freezing months. Some people in this neighborhood have no heating or cooling system in their flats & I don’t know how they survive these harsh months. The summers can get truly hot, hitting the 100F mark for many mornings, & sleeping at night with only a fan is next to impossible for me. It is still April & I am already finding myself running the air conditioner at night so I can sleep. I like to keep the flat around 69F at night, which seems like to be an ideal temp for me & my flatmate to sleep the best in. I will go to the Heating, Ventilation, & A/C supplier this week & grab a modern HEPA filter for the a/c system.