Why is dad in my HVAC class?

I knew my dad was an HVAC technician.

  • He was one of the best in our area.

It was because of him that I wanted to be an HVAC technician. I was in my last semester of HVAC school when they told us we would have a guest instructor for the rest of our classes. Everyone was excited and wondering who was going to be there. We knew we were going to be doing hand-on training, which helped the instructor decide who was going to be in his apprenticeship program. I went home that afternoon, and I was telling mom and dad we were going to have a guest instructor to help with our hands-on training. Dad laughed and told me he hadn’t seen me this excited since I got my car. He was right. I was excited. I was almost done with class, and all I had to do was take my certification exam. Dad told me I was doing fine, and just relaxed. When I got to class on Monday, I wasn’t the only one who was early. Nearly half the class was arriving early. There were some guys that acted like they didn’t care, but you could tell they were nervous. My question was why was my dad in my HVAC class? I thought there may be something wrong, until he smiled and winked in my direction. My dad was the guest instructor for the remainder of my HVAC class. I was more nervous than ever because I had to prove something to him and the lead HVAC instructor. Dad would probably expect more from me than anyone else.

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