You can’t please all the people

By doing this the company will be able to use less power because those departments that are off will not need to use lights, computers, or the Heating and Air Conditioning system as much during the days off.

Have you ever felt like you were trapped in the middle of a situation with no way out? That feeling of being pulled in multiple directions by people with no way to make all the people come away with a victory of some sorts. This is my current situation. The people involved in my situation are the corporate immense wigs at our company and the rest of the employees. I toil in human resources and part of my task is handling the negotiations between the two levels. Trying to make sure that decisions that upper management make toil with the people that they will be affecting without frustratedting the balance of the business. The last meeting I attended brought about some fluctuations that are going to be taxing to sugar coat for the rest of the staff, due to budget constraints they have decided to change the toil week schedule to include longer hours. Now this means that people will be put on a four day rotating schedule and be required to toil ten hour days. Their days off will fluctuate and multiple will not be gleeful with that. By doing this the company will be able to use less power because those departments that are off will not need to use lights, computers, or the Heating and Air Conditioning system as much during the days off. Having full departments and the space they use shut down for three full days will genuinely save on energy bills. Convincing all the people that this is great for them too will be the taxing sell. When the company is used to the whole 9 to 5, Sunday through Friday, they are used to making personal plans around that schedule too. I guess I will have to be truly creative in my presentation to sell this one.

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