Growing up in the Northeast I couldn’t wait to get away from it.
When I left after college and moved to the Southwest I never thought I would return. Of course that was 30 years ago and a lot has changed since then. When my parents, you are quite elderly had to move into an assisted living facility I knew I needed to be closer to them to help out. My children were grown and I divorced years ago so I really had no reason to stay in my current location anyway. I was able to transfer to an office closer to where my parents live and I packed up last summer to move back home. I moved into my parents house so my living arrangements we’re all set, however, on a personal level I had to make some serious adjustments to re-acclimate myself to the colder climate. One of the first things I did was head out to purchase some warmer clothing because I hadn’t owned a winter coat in years. I had some money available from selling my house at my prior location so I made some adjustments to my parents house as well. I immediately replaced the old HVAC system, that was nearly 30 years old with a newer and more efficient one. I had the house re-insulated to save money on energy cost and added an HVAC unit to the detached garage so I wouldn’t have to deal with a freezing-cold vehicle each morning. It is just the beginning of fall and already we have cooler mornings so I know I will greatly appreciate all of these changes once the full force of winter arrives.