Every so often one of my friends actually goes above as well as beyond to prove why they are my number one people on earth. They regularly have my back, but there are occasions when someone actually goes the extra mile to show their love. This was the case two weeks ago when I was having a particularally strenuous time with my wifey! I had been calling my friends repeatedly with my complaints as well as frustrations, as well as I assumed they were getting pretty weary of hearing from me. I went off to work early one morning just to get out of the house, as well as was surprised to get several messages from my pals as the morning progressed, when I got home, I found out why. I got there to see a pressing box resting on the stoop, roasting in the sun. The package felt burning warm when I picked it up, as well as I almost dropped the box in shock when I touched the 100 degree rectangle. When I got inside, I opened it to reveal a dozen completely limp as well as toasted flowers, but apparently my dear friends had sent me a bouquet to lift my spirits, but the flowers were delivered after I left for work! Because no one was apartment to move them inside, to the cool indoor air conditioned environment my friend and I keep all summer time long, the flowers had simply sat in the desert heat all morning. I hoped that getting some A/C late was better than nothing, but even in our current A/C the flowers never perked up again. Still, I appreciated my friends’ appealing gesture as well as failed to mention the heating disaster.