Author: Charlotte

Can’t download app to control thermostat

However, when my associate and I attempted to access the smart thermostat application, my associate and I realized that it wasn’t laboring either. I’m so thrilled to exist in this stage of history. I can’t even imagine living in an earlier generation, where you couldn’t pull up your PC to ask a random medical question, […]

Didn’t know it was gas fireplace

This would be a dangerous situation normally, it it was a wood burning fireplace… however, I own a gas fireplace I have some deep troubles over the kids growing up today. From the limited experience I have with them, they are terrible. They do not look up from their iphones for three straight seconds, as […]

Defunded art programs in trailers

My wifey has such an interesting labor life. He is a percussion teacher, as well as teaches advanced lessons at institutions all over the city. Most of the places he works are pretty swanky private universitys, as well as he’s compensated absolutely well for his time with these upper class children. The unusual part is, […]

Van heater

My adult life has been spent in bargain vehicles. I’ve regularly owned small sedans that I got for a deal from a geriatric seller or a family friend. I’ve never distraught about motorcar payments or filling up a big gas tank, but I also never had a honestly reliable travel option. That being said, I […]