A second chance to get it right.

Don’t you just love the Fall weather we have been having? I sure do! I love when I can drag out the sweatshirts, sip coffee on the porch under a blanket in the morning, and head out to watch a football game at the park.

I love everything about fall, for the most part.

The one thing that I don’t love is the fact that I need to have my HVAC system checked out before winter. I hate taking the day off just to wait for the technician and paying the fees to have it serviced. I know that I need to do this because if I don’t I may pay for it one morning when I wake up to a freezing cold house. My HVAC dealer is the only one in town so I am limited on who I can call. The last time they sent someone out I ended up having to make a second appointment because the guy messed up my furnace. He said that there was a problem with the intake unit and damaged it in the process of “trying” to fix it. I was so mad that I wanted to scream. The second technician fixed it free of charge but I shouldn’t have to make two appointments when I didn’t even want to make the first one to begin with. I learned my lesson and ask for the second guy each time and even if I have to wait for the appointment I don’t mind. At least I feel I can trust him to do a good job for me.



air conditioning corporation