We can all agree that chocolate is amazing

Today I will go to the job to check out the new heating and A/C technology we just got in so that I can be familiar with it when someone asks about it

Well maybe it’s not for all, however chocolate does seem to pave the way to a better day when I’m down in the dumps. I like to eat dark chocolate, which is sweetened with maltitol, and mix it with peanuts to give it that Snickers candy bar taste without all of the sugar. The Heating and A/C worker got me hooked on this duo a few years ago and I’ve been eating it ever since. I usually eat it during the day with my Sprite when I wake up. I don’t put any kind of sugar or sweetener in my Sprite as the chocolate is sweet enough. Today I will work at the heating and cooling business shop for a few hours and then go to the beach to train my friend. She is trying to get into shape so that when her man comes back she will look great for him. I have my hands full with her though because she does heating and A/C component sales online and sits most of the day. She also eats a lot of pizza and junk food so I also need to get her to change her diet for the better or all of this working out will be in vain. Today I will go to the job to check out the new heating and A/C technology we just got in so that I can be familiar with it when someone asks about it. Other than that I will just chill out later on the coast with some friends and get some much needed sun and fresh air. I also am going to disinfect my HEPA filter tonight.

air filter

Chocolate Makes the World a Better Place for All

Well maybe it’s not for all, but chocolate does seem to pave the way to a better day when I’m down in the dumps.

I like to eat dark chocolate, that is sweetened with maltitol, and mix it with peanuts to give it that Snickers candy bar taste without all of the sugar.

The HVAC worker got me hooked on this duo a few years ago and I’ve been eating it ever since. I usually eat it in the morning with my coffee when I wake up. I don’t put any kind of sugar or sweetener in my coffee as the chocolate is sweet enough. Today I will work at the heating and cooling suppliers shop for a few hours and then go to the beach to train my friend. He is trying to get into shape so that when his lady comes back he will look good for her. I have my hands full with him though because he does HVAC equipment sales online and sits most of the day. He also eats a lot of pizza and junk food so I also need to get him to change his diet for the better or all of this working out will be in vain. Today I will go to the job to check out the new HVAC technology we just got in so that I can be familiar with it when someone asks about it. Other than that I will just chill out later on the coast with some friends and get some much needed sunshine and fresh air. I also am going to clean my HEPA filter this evening.

Residential HVAC

I know that I am ready for anything

I feel as though I have been reborn again after all of the bad things that came my way.

  • I was hit financially, emotionally and physically certainly hard over the past year or so timeframe and am just starting to shake it off.

I know the toughest thing about it all is accepting all of the bad luck that comes your way. I’ve talked about it before despite the fact that I still need to vent some as I don’t vent on stage anymore like I once did with the comedy, the Heating and A/C rep associate of mine keeps me going with his positive attitude and I hope that one day I can be like him and be happy again. The thing that hurt me the most was losing this new love that I met after losing my partner of more than five years, that one I still am having trouble accepting. Losing all my savings stung me too despite the fact that I can recoup it through working at the Heating and A/C business doing smart temperature control installs and programming, along with a lot of Heating and A/C equipment repairs and services. I know that doing standup comedy for 15 years put me more in touch with my feelings and also made me more sensitive to things that occur in my life as I look at them more under a magnifying glass than pretty much everyone. So anyway, this week I am going to clean my gas fireplace and get it ready for winter season and maybe one day I can stand and watch the fire with that romantic lover who I know I deserve in my life. I wish the same good luck to you too! See ya.

Cooling products

I think I can take anything

I feel as though I have been reborn again after all of the bad things that came my way.

I was hit financially, emotionally and physically absolutely over the past year or so timeframe and am just starting to shake it off.

I think the toughest thing about it all is accepting all of the bad luck that comes your way. I’ve talked about it before although I still need to vent some as I don’t vent on stage anymore like I once did with the comedy, but the Heating and Air Conditioning rep friend of mine keeps me going with his positive attitude and I hope that a one day I can be like him and be happy again. The thing that hurt me the most was losing this new love that I met after losing my partner of more than five years, that one I still am having trouble accepting. Losing all my savings stung me too although I can recoup it through now working at the Heating and Air Conditioning business doing smart temperature control installs and programming, along with a lot of Heating and Air Conditioning device repairs and services. I think that doing standup comedy for 15 years put me more in touch with my feelings and also made me more sensitive to things that occur in my life as I look at them more under a magnifying glass than all the people. So anyway, this month I am going to clean my gas fireplace and get it ready for winter and maybe one day I can stand and watch the fire with that romantic lover who I think I deserve in my life. I wish the same wonderful luck to you too! See ya.

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