Van heater

My adult life has been spent in bargain vehicles.

I’ve regularly owned small sedans that I got for a deal from a geriatric seller or a family friend.

I’ve never distraught about motorcar payments or filling up a big gas tank, but I also never had a honestly reliable travel option. That being said, I can now praise myself for regularly opting to get the smallest moveation possible after having quite a difficult trip in a “luxury” travel van, and you see, my bestie was hired to give some major component to Montreal for her colleague this week, plus I decided to go ahead plus join in the trip. For the past 4 nights I’ve been cruising along, riding shotgun in this important commercial van supposedly equipped with high tech amenities; However, the one part in which the vehicle is lacking. The heat has been awful. There is plenty of hot air that comes flowing out of the defrost setting, but when it comes to providing warmth to your feet plus body, the air temperature is strangely uneven. Since the van is important, this low quality heat doesn’t do enough to raise the indoor air temperature regularly, one second we’re toasty warm, plus two moments later pretty much everyone is shivering in their seats. So far we’ve managed to get by with extra blankets, but as my buddy and I drive further into the northern tundra this air is becoming colder plus colder. We’re abruptly running out of layers to put on for extra heat, plus there’s no sign of the onboard Heating, Ventilation plus A/C system improving. At this point I’m particularly distraught that my buddy and I aren’t going to make it back home in this chilly cold metal box.
hvac system

Giant meat sale!

My boyfriend is a lot of things, but he’s definitely not a vegetarian.

As much as we both love animals, I don’t think he’ll ever be able to give up the taste and texture of a well cooked piece of meat.

He loves grilling and smoking meat, especially, and has a designated go-to store where he likes to purchase his cuts of pork. Luckily for him, he hit the jackpot on meat provisions last week when the store experienced a major setback. Apparently, their entire heating and cooling system failed in the middle of the night. The old temperature control system was well over 25 years old and had rarely been serviced. It functioned to treat the air all across the large grocery store, and connected to the same power grid as the other store refrigeration systems. That’s why a power surge was able to bring the entire store down to its knees one night. I guess that the electricity totally blew out the old heating and cooling system, which went on to take down the cooler section of the store. Of course this all happened when no one was present at the store. When all of the coolers warmed up to room temperature overnight it compromised the integrity of the meat department, in particular. The employees decided to have a huge blowout sale for all the meat that needed to be disposed of, hoping to put the proceeds towards the HVAC replacement. That’s when my boyfriend stumbled upon the pork paradise and stocked up for the next year. He probably individually funded their new AC purchase!

air conditioning installation

Animal shelter needed new HVAC

I’m a sucker for animal causes. I really can’t stand the thought of any sweet little animal suffering or living in deplorable conditions. That’s why I am a huge advocate for local animal shelters. I like to volunteer my time and resources as best I can in order to help further the mission of these necessary institutions. Recently, I found out that a local no-kill shelter was experiencing horrific conditions due to their failing air conditioning system. See, living in the south it is absolutely imperative to have adequate cooling systems in place or else you will not survive. The shelter had an air conditioner that was intended to service the entire facility, but the old cooling unit had seen better days. Apparently it was working on and off without any rhyme or reason, and the temperature fluctuations were making everyone sick. The shelter had already called out their local HVAC company over a dozen times. The ventilation company was performing their repairs for free in an effort to help the little shelter, but their ancient AC unit wasn’t going to stay afloat much longer. That’s when I decided to step in and try to rally the town to help. We held fundraisers and bake sales, a dog parade, and several donation events. Through all these efforts we raised over 5 thousand dollars for replacing the old AC unit and fully servicing the rest of the ventilation system. With the help of another HVAC dealership we were able to fully revamp the shelter’s cooling system, providing comfort for several more generations of pets.

air conditioning provider

New HVAC in town helped immensely

I am so tired of living in small towns that foster a culture of aversion to change.

  • It seems like small towns sometimes refuse to adapt because the residents have been stagnant and comfortable for so long.

This not only keeps the town feeling small, outdated, and stale, but it also works against the local residents in the long run. When new businesses aren’t allowed into the town, it means there is no competition. This drives up prices on specialty goods and services, and keeps the town in the economic dark ages. That’s exactly what happened in my current hometown until a new HVAC dealership moved in last year. Apparently for over 100 years there was only one ventilation company in town, and everyone had to use them for any heating and cooling demands. Because they offered an in-demand service, the HVAC company was able to charge any amount of money for their services. Unfortunately, this meant many families were unable to afford the cost of having their furnace serviced or a new AC unit installed. Many people were going without adequate indoor air temperature control simply because the services were out of their budgets. Then last year a brand new HVAC company opened its doors, and everything changed. Right off the batt, they introduced highly reduced pricing on standard services and equipment. Suddenly everyone could afford to have their outdated heating and cooling systems repaired or replaced! The old HVAC business was forced to lower their prices, and now both of these small businesses are working to keep their prices in line.

heating technology