Mom said I had to pay for the AC unit.

I didn’t know what mom’s problem was, but last week she got home from work and told me I had to pay for the air conditioning unit.

I hadn’t been in the backyard, and I had been anywhere near the air conditioning unit.

I tried to tell her I didn’t know what she was talking about, but she shooed me to my room before I could say anything. Not only was I angry that she wouldn’t listen, but I was hurt. I wasn’t sure what I was getting in trouble for, so instead of going to my room, I went outside to look at the AC unit. What I saw had me stunned. It was like someone had backed their truck into the air conditioning unit. The ground was so dry that there were no tire tracks, but I was sure that is what happened. I walked over to the neighbors and asked if they had any deliveries that day. She told me the UPS guy was there and asked why. I pointed to the air conditioning unit and told her I thought he may have backed into our air conditioning unit. I didn’t tell her mom was blaming me for the damage. She called the UPS company and told them that one of their drivers was at her house and there was the chance he had backed into the neighbor’s air conditioning unit. After checking his back fender, the UPS said he told them he had backed up into the other yard, but he hadn’t heard a crash. It was possible he had hit the air conditioning. I had my neighbor go to the house and tell mom about the UPS company.



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She said I would break the window AC unit.

When my mother wasn’t home, my sister thought she was the boss. She always told my brother and I what we should and shouldn’t do. If we didn’t listen to her, she would tell our mom and we would get into trouble. Last week, she was watching us while mom was at work. We had the day off school and had to stay inside. The ball was in sight, and neither of us could resist throwing it around. She came into the living room screaming like a Banshee, and telling us we were going to break the window or air conditioning unit, or both. Naturally, we didn’t listen to her, but we wished we had. An hour later, the ball flew through the window. Not only did it break the window, but it also broke the air conditioning unit. We knew mom was going to be angry, and we should have known it would go easier on us if we told her what happened. We weren’t that smart. Instead, we stayed in our room until mom found the ball, the broken window, and the broken air conditioning unit. Our sister tried to cover for us, but it wasn’t working. Mom told her she should have been more responsible than letting us play ball in the house. We came downstairs and told mom our sister had tried to tell us not to play ball in the house, but we didn’t listen. We were just being idiots, and it wasn’t her fault the air conditioning unit was broken. Mom was angry, but she was proud we had told her the truth.

Electric heating

How funny would it be if the HVAC technician got lost?

I knew it was normal to be given a three-hour window of arrival for any repairman. It didn’t surprise me when the HVAC company also gave me a three-hour window for arrival. When the three hours passed, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to shake my head and laugh, or get concerned. It wasn’t like the HVAC technician was coming to take care of an emergency. My furnace was working okay, but the airflow wasn’t what it should be. I was sure that all I needed was to have the ductwork cleaned, but I had to have the HVAC technician tell me that. I wanted nothing seriously wrong with the furnace while I was playing with the ductwork cleaning. When another hour went by, I called the HVAC company. I had a recurring thought going through my head. How funny would it be if the HVAC technician got lost? When the secretary go on the phone, she asked my name and address, and told me the HVAC technician should already be here. After explaining he was already five hours late, she said she would check. When she asked for my name and address a second time, I had a feeling something was wrong. She told me he was at the right address, but it was the wrong side of town. They hadn’t put north or south in front of the street address, and he had gone to the address closest to the HVAC company. I could not contain my laughter. An hour later, the HVAC technician was knocking on my door.



My doctor told me to get an air purification system.

Twice a year I need to go to the allergist and get a shot for my allergies. Last year, my doctor gave me a different type of prescription. My allergies were worsening, and he wanted me to see a pulmonologist. I was having asthma attacks when my allergies were kicking in. He told me that unless I wanted to continue to get worse; I needed more than a portable air purification unit. I needed a whole-home air purification system. He gave me a prescription for the whole-home air purification system. He explained that with a prescription, my insurance may pay for a part of or all of the cost to have the air purification installed. I called our local HVAC company and asked if they ever heard of this. They put the billing department on the line, and I asked her about going through the insurance company. She told me she had to look into it. Two hours later, the HVAC company called back. She wanted me to take a picture of the prescription and she would call my insurance company. The next day, the HVAC company called again. They had gotten information for me. The insurance company would pay for the equipment and half of the installation cost. She was going to send an HVAC technician to the house to make sure my HVAC equipment was compatible with a whole-home air purification system. Within a week, I was breathing easier, and I hadn’t had an asthma attack. The HVAC company adjusted my bill accordingly, and I owed them less than $200 for the air purification system.



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