I’ve been training with a group of HVAC technicians

I’ve been training with a group of HVAC technicians and now I’m almost ready to go out on my own.

I have been training with these guys for a long time now and I think that they have basically taught me everything that they know. From one day to the next, you just never know with these guys what they might end up telling you. I have learned all kinds of things from them over the past year. It’s been a long time coming, but now I am finally almost ready to strike out on my own and become an HVAC technician in my own right. The only reason that I have been working with all of these other guys is because I want to work at this specific HVAC company here in town. I think that they have the best working hours and benefits of any HVAC company around. Not only that, but they have a lot of guys working there who I really like. I’m friends with most of them already, since we have been working together on getting me trained over the last few months. It’s been really nice to learn with all of the hands-on experience that they have been helping me out with. You just don’t get the same kind of experience from classes and classroom work as you do with actual on the job training. The fact that they all know me pretty well and they like me means that they are probably going to put a good word in for me at this company. I think I’ll probably be able to get a job here soon!
a/c products

I sent the kids outside while I waited for the HVAC technician

I sent the kids outside while I waited for the HVAC technician the other day because they were literally driving me crazy.

We were on vacation at this beach house, and all of a sudden the air conditioning system stopped working.

Even though it is the off season, and the weather is not as hot as it normally would be, it was still pretty warm down there where we were staying. As the temperature outside continued to rise, so did the temperature inside of the house. Even though we had the windows open and it was breezy from the ocean, it was still too warm in there for me. I couldn’t get the air conditioning to come on, and we were all feeling annoyed and grumpy because none of us can sleep well whenever it’s hot in the house. Even though it wasn’t my house and we were just renting the place, I still decided to call up the local HVAC company so that we could get the air conditioning fixed. there was no way that I was going to stay there for another two weeks without having a working air conditioning system. The day that they were supposed to come to fix the A/C unit, the kids were driving me absolutely crazy. None of us had slept well and they were fighting and complaining to each other constantly. The HVAC technician wasn’t supposed to arrive at the house until 11am, but at 10am I sent the kids down to the beach to build a sand castle alone because I could not stand to have them in the house any longer!

quality heating

Ductless HVAC is such a great option

I’m so pleased with the quality heating and air inside my new place.

But it sure wasn’t what I thought it was going to be so I was really quite pleasantly surprised.

This is my first time owning a home and I’m lucky to even have a shot at it. Had it not been for the support of extended family, I wouldn’t be enjoying that quality heating and air at all. I’d still be back inside my cramped apartment with residential HVAC that predates my birth. I have a cousin whom I’ve been pretty close to over the years. She has been somewhat of an older sister as I’m an only child. So having her looking out for me has been great. She’s the one who found this house. It was part of an estate sale and she was colleagues with part of that family. They just wanted to get rid of the house as it was small and needed many repairs. I was up to doing the work as I’m pretty handy and the price was such that I could pull together a downpayment. That didn’t leave me with a great deal of savings to start renovations. So when I found out that the ductwork was not up to snuff, the residential HVAC upgrade was on hold. But thanks to a great HVAC contractor from the local HVAC company, I was presented an alternative. Now I’m getting all that quality heating and air from three ductless heat pumps in my house. They work great and are super efficient as well. I can’t believe my good fortune to have this house and have a residential HVAC alternative in the ductless heat pump.

heat pump install

Making sure heat pump ready for fight

Each morning that I’m able to sit on my porch with my coffee this time of year is bliss.

  • I’m an early riser and I like to have some time to myself before I get on with the day.

It’s sort of that part of the day where I ease into my daily life while listening to the birds and drinking my favorite blend. But soon, those mornings will be filled with the sound of heat pumps. During the winter here, it’s pretty rare that we need heating. So the heat pump stays pretty tame. That leaves lots of quiet mornings for me to enjoy all the natural sounds around me. But as we turn the page to March, those morning without the heat pumps running in the neighborhood will be coming to a close. It’s just part of it and so I savor each one of these morning while I can. But soon, I’ll be calling the HVAC company to have them send out one of their awesome HVAC technicians. It won’t be long until that HVAC professional is out here doing the air conditioning tune up. This is an essential function in our home. While the heat pump doesn’t have a big heating demand over the winter, it’s got a fight on it’s hands with heat in the summer. So it only makes sense to get HVAC maintenance to help the heat pump continue winning the fight. Without my heat pump, I just can’t even imagine what I would do during the summer. I’m not even sure that I could live here if that were the case.


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