I had to return the portable A/C unit

It is always disappointing when you have high hopes for a product, and they just completely fail your expectations.

I had that recently with a portable HVAC unit.

Sometimes in the summertime my bedroom can become really hot. I don’t know why it is, but my bedroom is always the warmest in the entire house. Naturally, this can make it hard to sleep sometimes. Even though my central HVAC runs perfectly fine, it never seems like my room is cool enough. So, I decided the best solution would be to get a portable HVAC system to support the main central air conditioner. This way I can get proper sleep. I went and bought the portable air conditioning system from a local HVAC store, and for the first week, it worked beautifully. Every single night that I had that portable air conditioner running, I slept for hours. I never realized how much sleep I was losing thanks to temperature. Everything was going well, until it suddenly wasn’t. A little over a week later, I wake up in the middle of the night and my room is back to feeling overheated. I was confused, did I forget to turn the portable cooling unit on? I had a clear memory of turning it on. I went and checked on it, and it was off, but I couldn’t get it to turn on again. I ended up returning the portable HVAC because of this, and then bought another one. Thankfully I didn’t have any additional issues.


energy saving tips

The hotel maintenance man wasn’t available

For the most part, I enjoy staying at hotels.

Knowing that I can get my own private room away from people makes me happy. Sometimes I stay at hotels just to be away for a little while. It’s not anything against my family or friends, I just like my alone time. I was staying at a hotel for a few days, and even though I was originally staying to get some peace and quiet, that was not what I got. A mother of 5 kids were my next door neighbors, and it seemed like those kids never slept. All hours of the night at least one of them was up and screaming, and if one starts screaming, the others are quick to join in. They would bang their fists on the wall as well as run up and down the halls. It was incredibly frustrating. I ended up complaining to the front desk and they moved me to another room. I could still hear the kids, but it was distant. However, there was another problem. This room didn’t seem to have proper air conditioning. The commercial HVAC system was there, but it didn’t work properly. And it didn’t take long before the room heated up. Looking at the thermostat, it seemed the A/C was set to a permanent 80 degrees, which was far too hot for me. I called and complained again, and apparently their HVAC maintenance man wasn’t here today, so I once again had to be moved into another room.



cooling technology

Hotel A/C stopped working in the middle of the night

It was only going to be for one night, but I definitely needed it. I was in the middle of a long road trip. I like to try and push myself on how long I can drive, but I know my limits. After about 9 hours of sleeping, I was falling asleep at the wheel and accidentally going off of the road. I took that as a sign that I needed to stop and found a hotel in the area to stay. I checked into the hotel no problem, and almost immediately fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow. I fully expected to sleep until early morning, however, when I awoke, it was still dark outside. I looked at the alarm clock and it read 4:00 am. It didn’t take me long to figure out why I woke up early, my room was incredibly hot! I had to throw off my cover, because I was already sweating through the sheets! I went down to the lobby to complain about the lack of air conditioning, and they moved me into a room with a functioning air conditioner. After I made sure the A/C unit did in fact work, I went back to sleep and woke up in the early morning to get back on my long drive. I definitely learned a lesson, and that is to make sure the HVAC unit works before anything else, otherwise I might have to get up in the middle of the night again. I ended up having to stay at another hotel later on, and thankfully, I didn’t have any cooling problems there.

air conditioning filter

We had to leave the diner early

Sometimes in the spur of the moment, my husband and I like to do fun things.

My husband and I were both bored on Saturday afternoon, and my husband said that we should try that new diner that’s near us.

I wanted to go to that diner myself, so I was very excited to go. We drove down to the diner and found a seat. The waiter was taking their sweet time, which was a little annoying, but it gave us more time to look at the menu. Their menu looked amazing! It had such a wide variety of food, I knew I was going to have a hard time picking. However, I couldn’t help but notice the diner was really warm. I had first noticed this when we came into the diner, but I had ignored it. The feeling of being overheated did not go away though. I asked my husband and he thought the same thing, it was definitely too warm in here. The longer we stayed the worse it became. My husband and I ended up only ordering an appetizer and then leaving. Leaving early was a huge let down, but neither of us wanted to deal with the rising heat. We ended up just getting fast food and heading home. Once we were both home, we ate our food in the air conditioning. Unlike the diner, the A/C in our place was amazing. Eventually if they ever get their air conditioning fixed, we might try the diner again. But without proper heating and cooling, it is too uncomfortable.

quality air conditioning