My cousins were complaining about the south

I heard my phone start ringing and I looked to see who was calling.

It was my cousin again, probably complaining about the south as usual.

That has become a bit of a routine, my cousin calling to complain about the heat. Not really sure what to tell her, she is the one who decided to move down there to begin with, despite my best efforts to warn her. But my cousin was always obsessed with the white sand beaches and sunny days and didn’t hear me. However, what she didn’t take into account was the fact that the south is often very, very hot. The same way that the north is often pretty cold. When I picked up the phone, sure enough, she started to tell me the latest incident. Apparently the air conditioning system, which was still fairly new, broke down today. She told me about how she had to call a HVAC worker out to come and look at it and repair it. And then she was complaining about how the HVAC system was awful, and didn’t keep her home cool enough and it shouldn’t have broken down and so forth. I asked her some general HVAC maintenance questions to see how well she took care of the cooling unit, only to find out that she didn’t take care of it at all. No wonder it broke down so early. I tried to give her some HVAC tune up tips, but she wasn’t listening and continued to complain. Some people just can’t be helped.



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I didn’t want to move to the north

The last place I ever want to be is any place that is up north.

I have some relatives that live up there and it is just far too cold.

I have been there a few times and I am always shivering and miserable. Even though the south is bad, I would rather take the intense heat over the cold any day. Which is why it was really hard to turn down a job offer from my dream company. I always wanted to work at a specific company, because they are known for being really good to their employees, not only are the benefits awesome, but lots of paid time off as well. For a long time, I didn’t have the necessary requirements in order to meet the minimum for the job. However, after years of experience, I can finally say that I have the requirements now. I applied for many different jobs and I was ecstatic when I got a reply from them. They loved my resume and everything but they wanted me to move up north to their sister location, which I couldn’t do. It was hard to turn down, but I can’t stand the cold. Even with the heating system running, it always feels cold up there. At least here, the air conditioning takes care of the heat. It is only on the most severe days that the A/C doesn’t work as well. I am hoping to stay down here, and get a nice air conditioned office at my dream company. But for now, that will have to wait.

new air conditioning

Usually I only buying equipment new

I usually have a pretty strict rule when it comes to getting new air conditioning systems, and I have had the same rule for a long time.

Only buy from a trusted HVAC company.

So buying a used air conditioner from someone else was out of the question. However, sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. I planned on having my current A/C machine removed because it was just having too many issues and not cooling my home efficiently enough. Unfortunately, getting the new air conditioner kept getting delayed further and further, and I already had my old HVAC unit removed, which left me without cooling. Then the weatherman predicted there was going to be a dangerous heat wave, and that is when I knew I needed a temporary HVAC component. I ended up finding a cheap used portable cooling unit online, and since it was so cheap, I decided to buy it. I honestly didn’t put much faith into the cooling device, but to my surprise, it worked perfectly. Although it couldn’t cool my entire home, whatever room it was in felt great. And unlike a window HVAC or central A/C, I can bring the portable air conditioning system with me wherever I go. The small portable cooling unit was enough to keep me cool through the heat wave, and then afterwards since it did such a good job I decided to keep it as a backup in case I ever get serious weather again. I was also able to get my new central HVAC installed soon after.

a/c tune up

Air conditioning unit was lightly used

The pictures looked good enough, and the owner seemed genuine, and so I decided to buy it

Now when it comes to me, I like to buy almost all of my products brand new. I have had too many times where I would buy something used, and it would turn out to be crap. Not only that, but I don’t know those other people, so I don’t know what kind of conditions they were keeping their equipment in. For example, sometime back when I bought a few decorative pillows, I wish the person would have told me that they came from a smoker’s house and a pet house. I can never smell those pillows without smelling a mix of cat fur and smoke, no matter how many times I wash it. Because of that, I try to only buy new products. However, sometimes you have to make an exception to the rules, and the HVAC machine was going to be one of them. I thought my older air conditioner would last at least a few more years, but I was wrong and it stopped working early. I was nowhere even close to being able to afford a new HVAC device, and I probably wouldn’t be for at least a year if not more. Despite my rule, I decided to look at used air conditioners. There was one HVAC machine that was only lightly used. The pictures looked good enough, and the owner seemed genuine, and so I decided to buy it. When the A/C worker looked at it, he also commented that it was almost brand new. Thankfully, this solution worked and the air conditioner did just fine in my home. So I guess getting some used items is a good idea after all.